Gradual Change

This will be a short post because I have been busy with other writing today and if I want to make sure I switch the computer off at least an hour before bed time, as is recommended not just by McKenna, but every sleep expert I've read.

Day/Night 6
Anyway, there's not a huge lot to say today, and yet little changes are perhaps more important than big ones. Just as McKenna suggests people make only small changes to their daily routine to incorporate more exercise in a sustainable way, I think that small changes in sleep behaviour are probably going to be more lasting.

What I'm noticing is that I fall asleep at night more easily now. I have rarely had a huge problem with this, my issue was more waking up in the night and not getting back to sleep. But nevertheless, I am well used to listening to my husband snore within minutes of switching out the light while I lie awake for twenty or thirty minutes. Now my problem is that I fall asleep long before I've finished listening to the I Can Make You Sleep CD, only to wake up when it loops back round. I guess that's not much of a problem really!

Dawn breaking
I woke in the night: later this time, shortly after 4 am. (Fingers crossed it will keep getting later until I get a full night's sleep soon.) I opted to stay in bed and do an exercise from I Can Make You Sleep, rather than get out of bed and shiver. I tried a few exercises and then listened to the CD again before I got back to sleep, but I have no idea how long I was awake. Perhaps it was because I didn't need to check if I'd been awake for over twenty minutes, or perhaps it was just because, but after that first glance at the clock I never looked at it again until my alarm went off at 6 50 am. Since insomniacs are notorious clock-watchers, I hope this means I am no longer an insomniac! Actually I'm not sure if I've ever called myself that, but I have for sure identified myself as someone who didn't sleep well. This identification is something McKenna and others talk about a lot, and changing our view of ourselves goes a long way to changing sleep patterns. I've been practising McKenna's exercise for changing the stories you have about yourself and sleep and I'm beginning to feel there could be light at the end of this tunnel (or maybe at the end of the night!)


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