Value Your Self, Value Your Sleep

I don't know if parents (especially mothers) are more prone to this, or if it's something that affects everyone, but many, many, many of us do not value ourselves enough. And this affects our sleep. Undervaluing ourselves, like most of our hang-ups, starts in childhood, because it's very easy for kids to interpret adults' action as being about them. I remember many years ago my sister and her family came to visit on their way to and from somewhere else. On their outward visit my husband was away with work. I explained to my niece, then aged about 4, that he would also be away when they came back. Her face showed what she was feeling. I can't remember exactly what she asked me, but at that age the word, "Why?" would have been in it, and so I explained that it was just because of he had to go away for work and that he was very sad to be missing everybody. Instantly she was happy again. This is just one example of the way children can so easily think th...